Welcome to the world of magic! 🤓
Children in our preschool and kindergarten programs study letters, numbers, and will learn how to read and write in preparation for the Academy's elementary school. These sessions will be provided by qualified early childhood teachers and adhere to a set curriculum.
The learning process:
Our platform is an interactive online learning management system that provides all the essential materials, resources, and assignments. It empowers children to access the platform 24/7 and learn at their own pace independently. Our students especially love the multimedia content, such as audio and video lessons, engaging stories, practice exercises, and fun quizzes, which make their learning experience truly enriching.
Moreover, we offer both group and individual classes. In the group sessions, students get a wonderful chance to connect with fellow Academy learners, creating a supportive learning community. Join us at Yak's Cafe to stay updated on the latest developments in this area.
Subjects coming soon.
The program follows the US and Canadian Curricula which are very closely aligned.
The Dr. Myatt Academy of Learning is based on a framework of quality academic standards that draw on the competencies outlined in the Canadian and USA Common Core Curricula.
Our early childhood center (preschool and kindergarten) and elementary school (grades 1- 6) emphasize the development of reading, writing, s...
The Academy currently offers courses in mathematics and language arts for grades 1-6. Our science and social studies courses for grades 1-6, as well as our Early Childhood Program will start soon. Our middle and upper school courses are scheduled for access in 2024. Please join us at Yak's Café for updates.
The Academy has incorporated technology into its entire program. Yet, the Academy also applies a hands-on approach to education in which qualified educators lead every lesson using instructional videos. This type of technology-teacher combination retains the ever vital personal and human touch in education.
Furthermore, parents or guardians can follow the learner's progress through academic updates, performance highlights, and areas for needed reinforcement.
Dear friends,
My spouse, fellow educator, co-founder, and corporate counsel, Andrew (Andy) Wood and I are honored that you have taken time to visit the Academy.
For parents, we know that finding the right education for your child is paramount, and we respect and value the trust that parents and students show when enrolling in the Dr. Myatt Academy of Learning.
We hope that the lessons and learning materials presented will exceed your expectations.
We're excited and proud to tell you more about our programs so please read on!
Yours very sincerely,
Dr. Tamara Myatt
One of the greatest outcomes of the tech revolution has been the democratization of education - global access to quality...
We are particularly mindful of the millions of children who don't have access to a quality education. As a result, their...
We know that much of the world is experiencing troubled times and social upheaval. This is no more evident than with the...
The shared dream and purpose of every member of our team is “To provide the gold standard of affordable, flexible, quali...
The Academy has incorporated technology into its entire program. Yet, we also apply a hands-on approach to education in ...
The Dr. Myatt Academy of Learning believes passionately in high quality learning opportunities at an affordable price. T...
We at the Academy are delighted to hear from our constituents. Please contact us for any queries at inquiries@myattacademy.com and we will respond as quickly as possible.
Dear friends,
On Canada's east coast, in a small fishing community in rural Nova Scotia, are where my roots originate. My parents and extended family and their parents before them worked long hours fishing the ocean, a dangerous occupation in those days of the family-owned Cape-Islander fishing boats. Some of my family were highly skilled craftsmen who built boats that sailed the rough waters of the Atlantic coast. They worked long hours to raise their families. While the men were fishing at sea, the women prepared the fish to ship to markets. Like many of you, I've never forgotten my roots and the life lessons my sea faring family taught me, amongst them,
Hard work, honesty, and a big heart are three qualities we look for when we seek out teachers and staff. Those who love helping kids (of all ages) and have trained diligently in their chosen area of education, are amongst the greatest teachers. We are very proud of the incredible team of teachers who have wholeheartedly agreed to be part of your new neighborhood school - The Dr. Myatt Academy of Learning.
Yours very sincerely,
Dr. Tamara Myatt
Dear friends,
When my spouse, Dr. Tam and I embarked on this adventure, we were motivated to help kids improve their lives through education, at home in Canada, the United States, and globally.
Our travels abroad were punctuated by the poverty we witnessed and the correlation between that poverty and the absence of quality, formalized education.
It is an indictment of global leadership that in this era of space travel and global access to computer and cell phone connectivity, that millions of children worldwide are being held back for want of what is surely a human right - education.
UNICEF (N.D.) -600,000,000 children are unable to attain minimum proficiency levels in reading and mathematics UNESCO Institute for Statistics – 250,000,000 to 270,000,000 children are not attending school.
Through our special projects, the Academy will invest in programs to help kids and communities find their potential through education. Follow our progress on these initiatives with the latest updates at Yak's Café. We and the wonderful people who have similarly dedicated themselves to the work of the Academy hope to enhance the lives of many: one child at a time.
Yours very sincerely,
Andy Wood
Stories are far more than entertainment. Written with heart and fascination, they have an alluring quality that we cling...
From our most highly qualified teachers has emerged a desire to exceed basic curriculum content and delivery by producin...
Many NGOs and community organizations work diligently to enhance the lives of youth who find themselves institutionalize...
Our staff includes several teachers who are state certified (USA) as TESOL educators. Once K-12 is fully operational, we...